Swift vs Kotlin - Which programming language is better for iOS and Android app development?

August 01, 2021

Swift vs Kotlin - Which programming language is better for iOS and Android app development?

Are you planning to develop an app but confused about which programming language to use - Swift or Kotlin? Well, you're not alone. Both languages have their pros and cons, and choosing between them can be challenging. Don't worry, we've got you covered!

We've compared Swift and Kotlin based on different factors to help you make an informed decision.


The popularity of a programming language is vital in determining its community support, which can be helpful if you're stuck with a coding problem.

Swift became available to the public in 2014 and was designed explicitly for iOS app development. It became popular quickly, and today, it's the 15th most popular programming language. It's backed by Apple and has a vibrant community of developers.

Kotlin, on the other hand, was released in 2011 and became an official programming language for Android in 2017. It's a newer language compared to Swift but has grown in popularity over the years. In 2020, it was the 31st most popular programming language.

Verdict: Both languages have a considerable following, but Swift has been around for longer and has a higher ranking in popularity.

Learning curve

If you're already familiar with a programming language, the learning curve won't be a problem. However, if you're new to both languages, you'll want to choose the one that's easy to learn.

Swift is a user-friendly language that's easy to learn, especially if you know Objective-C. It has a clean syntax, which makes it easy to read and write.

Kotlin is known for its intuitive syntax, making it easy to learn even for beginners. It's also flexible and interoperable with Java, which can be useful if you're porting an existing Java application to Kotlin.

Verdict: Both languages are relatively easy to learn, but Kotlin might have a slight edge when it comes to learnability.

Speed and performance

The speed and performance of a programming language are crucial in determining the efficiency of your app.

Swift is one of the fastest programming languages available, thanks to its static type system. It's also optimized for iOS devices, making it the go-to choice for iOS app development.

Kotlin, on the other hand, is no slouch when it comes to speed and performance. It compiles down to Java bytecode, making it fast and efficient, especially when it comes to Android app development.

Verdict: Both languages are known for their speed and performance, but Swift might have a slight edge when you're developing iOS apps. Kotlin, on the other hand, is optimized for Android development.


If you plan to extend your app's functionality by integrating third-party APIs, you'll need a language that supports interoperation.

Swift works well with Objective-C, making it easy to integrate third-party Objective-C libraries into your app.

Kotlin is interoperable with Java, which is still the primary language for Android app development. It also has good support for third-party Java libraries.

Verdict: Both languages offer excellent interoperability, making it easy to integrate third-party libraries into your app.

Community support and resources

Both Swift and Kotlin have a vibrant and supportive community of developers worldwide, but when it comes to resources, Swift has an edge.

Swift is backed by Apple, and it has extensive documentation and developer resources. There are numerous courses, books, and tutorials available to learn Swift.

Kotlin also has good community support, but it doesn't have the same level of resources and documentation as Swift.

Verdict: Both languages have active developer communities, but Swift has more comprehensive resources and documentation.


Both Swift and Kotlin have their strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between them depends on the type of app you want to develop. If you're developing an iOS app, Swift is the way to go, but if you're developing an Android app, Kotlin should be your choice.

That said, both languages are capable of developing cross-platform apps, so the choice ultimately depends on your expertise and personal preference.

We hope this comparison will help you choose the right programming language for your next app project. Happy coding!


  1. Tiobe Index. (2021). TIOBE Index for August 2021. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/

  2. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (7th Edition). (2020). https://www.bignerdranch.com/books/ios-programming-the-big-nerd-ranch-guide-seventh/

  3. Ray Wenderlich. (2021). Swift Programming Language - Guide. https://www.raywenderlich.com/swift-guide

  4. Android Developers. (2021). Kotlin. https://developer.android.com/kotlin

  5. Kotlin Programming Language. (2021). https://kotlinlang.org/docs/home.html

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